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Tell the truth, do you tend to overdo it as the holidays approach? Read on for ways to avoid overdoing it in your VA business or side hustle.
Let’s connect on Instagram! I’m @melyssamunday and @mamasmakingmore.
The holiday season is fast approaching. I don’t know about you, but I have a tendency to “overdo” things. I have big ideas and I chase them… until I’m surrounded by 40 holiday projects and completely overwhelmed. This tendency of mine isn’t limited to only holidays, though. Before I hit my stride in my online business, I was overdoing it BIGTIME.
It feels silly to even say (type?) this, but the best thing I ever learned about my online business is: keep it simple. Don’t try to do all the things! Here are some do’s and don’ts to help you avoid overdoing it with your online business.
Do: Rely on Experts
When I first started my online business, I felt like I needed to know everything or else I wasn’t a “real” virtual assistant business owner. Totally false! I am an expert at my business, but I am not an expert at everything. Nobody is! That’s why, when I feel like I am out of my depth on something, I’m quick to consult an expert now. Sometimes all it takes is a quick Google search for some advice from a professional. Other times I will hire someone to help me! Either way, I always end up feeling smarter and more capable after working with a pro.
Don’t: Be Afraid to Be Real
It can feel like you need to be totally polished and together 24/7 or you can’t be an online business owner or side hustler. I’m here to tell you: that’s not true! My business is rooted in my authentic self. I have five kids, and sometimes a client might just hear one of them in the background of a call – that’s totally okay! Sometimes I make my Instagram posts from my car while I’m at soccer practice – absolutely fine! I show up for my clients, I get my stuff done, and I’m still human.
Want to learn more about starting your VA Business? Grab my Quickstart Guide to Build Your VA Business now!
Do: Lean on your Network
The people in your life are rooting for you and your business to succeed! There’s no shame in sharing your wins (and struggles) with your friends. There’s also no shame in pursuing clients from connections you make! You don’t have to entirely start from scratch when you’re building out the audience for your business. Obviously, don’t be too over-the-top, but being open about your business with your network can only lead to more success.
When in doubt with your online business, always remember to keep it simple! Lean into what works for you and leave the rest behind.
Did I miss any tips on how to avoid overdoing things in your online business? Share with me on my Instagram. I’m @melyssamunday and @mamasmakingmore.

Are we Insta friends?! I LOVE connecting there, voice DMs are super fun! I’m @melyssamunday and @mamasmakingmore.