In this episode, I am exploring the world of online businesses and why you should consider take the leap from your corporate job. I’m giving you the top five amazing amazing reasons to start your online business as a Virtual Assistant. From being your own boss to having the ultimate flexibility to work from anywhere, I hope this episode will inspire you to consider the benefits of starting your own online business. Whether you’re looking to start your business as a side hustle or go all-in, tune in to learn how you can take control of your work-life balance and be more present for your family. Don’t miss out on this sign to take the leap and start your own online VA business!

Drop me an email to let me know what future topics you would like covered on the podcast. 


If you could leave your corporate job right now, would you? I mean it! If there was a route out of the corporate world, into one where you can always wear comfy clothes when you work, would you take it? I did. I started my own online business… and I LOVE it! 

I know it sounds scary to make the jump from a corporate role into working for yourself. I was nervous at first, but now I’m incredibly thankful that I went for it. Along my journey as an online business owner I’ve found five absolutely glorious things about owning my own online business, and I want to share them!

Being my own boss

An obvious number one to owning your own business, but I truly cannot overstate how awesome this is in real life. I get to decide every single thing about my business structure, my brand, and my work-life balance. I don’t have to convince a higher-up, or schedule a Zoom meeting with a team, before I make a business decision. 

Starting as a side-hustle

Let’s face it, you may not be financially able to quit your corporate job immediately upon founding your online business. However, you can certainly start your business and work around your corporate job until you can make the switch. I love that starting my business as a side hustle gave me the opportunity to craft an exit plan from my corporate gig, without totally overwhelming me.

Ultimate flexibility

I mentioned that my work-life balance is in my own hands, but I really want to emphasize the level of flexibility my online business has afforded me. I get to make my own schedule and hours. I decide how many days and how many hours I want to work. There’s nobody over my head pressuring me into working 80-hour weeks! 

Working from anywhere

I do not have to be tied to an office, ever! I can take my laptop with me and work wherever the heck I want. The soccer field? Yup. My favorite cafe? Absolutely. I could even be a digital nomad if I wanted to! 

Being more present for my family

This one needs no explanation. Family time > anything else!

I love so many things about my online business. I’m glad I took the leap. If you’re waiting for a sign that it’s time to start your own online business… this is it! 


Which of these benefits of an online business resonated most with you? I would love to know! Share with me on my Instagram @melyssamunday, or @mamasmakingmore.


Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Melyssa: Hello, hey there. In this episode today, I’m going to be exploring the top reasons to leave a corporate job in order to build your own VA business. If you’re someone who’s contemplating this decision, hoping, wishing I’ve got some juicy details coming up.

[00:00:15] Melyssa: So let’s just jump right in. If you could leave your corporate job right now, would you? If there was a route out of this corporate world, the corporate grind and into one where you could have major massive flexibility with your family and always wear comfy clothes when you work, would you take it?

[00:00:30] Melyssa: That’s actually exactly what I did. I left my part-time corporate job in order to start my virtual assisting business. But everything that I’m going to tell you in this episode, everything, that we’re going to cover, all the reasons they also apply if you aren’t currently in the corporate world. Totally applies if you’re a stay at home mom who’s looking to fill your time around your kiddos schedule and bring in some income.

[00:00:52] Melyssa: Now I’m not going to lie. When I first decided to leave the stability of my corporate job, I was legit scared. And to be [00:01:00] perfectly honest, I’m a huge planner and overthinker. So it was definitely not on trend, not on brand for me. Some of my family and friends definitely thought I was a bit crazy. Ultimately though, I cannot begin to tell you how thankful I am that I took that leap. So I’m going to share with you just five of the reasons I think that you should take the leap as well.

[00:01:21] Melyssa: So let’s be real, being your own boss is the obvious number one to owning your own business. You get to decide every single thing about your business structure, your brand and your work-life balance. You don’t have to convince a higher up or go through some chain of command before you make a business decision.

[00:01:37] Melyssa: You have the freedom to create a work environment that suits you. Whether it’s working from home, coworking, a coffee, shop the park, wherever the heck you want.

[00:01:46] Melyssa: Being the boss means you have complete control over your schedule. You don’t have to ask anyone for permission to take a vacation. This is one of the hardest things in our family, because my husband still has a corporate job. And he actually has to request all his vacation time a [00:02:00] year at a time. It is super inconvenient. As a virtual assistant, you can take your kid to the doctor at the drop of the hat without having to figure out if your boss will let you take that time off, or if you have to make it up and how that’s going to screw up everything else after that.

[00:02:12] Melyssa: Being the one who makes all the business decisions can give you a sense of empowerment and fulfillment. It definitely has done that for me. You get to take ownership of your own ideas and you really don’t run the risk of some boss trying to take credit for them. You get to turn them into a reality. You’re the one with the ability of achieving your goals and fulfilling your vision for your business.

[00:02:34] Melyssa: Don’t get me wrong. It’s definitely not easy peasy running a business, but if you’re willing to put in the work, it’s so awesome to see your goals become a reality.

[00:02:42] Melyssa: A, second great thing about starting your own VA business is that you can start it as a side hustle. Everyone’s circumstances are different and you might not be able to financially quit your corporate job and go all in on your own business right now. So you can start your VA business and work around your corporate job until you [00:03:00] can make the switch.

[00:03:01] Melyssa: Starting your business as a side hustle gives you the opportunity to save up if necessary so that you have a financial cushion. Starting your VA business as a side hustle also allows you to dip your toe in so to speak. To see if being an entrepreneur is really right for you. It’s kind of like a low risk way to start without having to quit your day job.

[00:03:20] Melyssa: Third, the level of flexibility in online business gives you is really unbeatable. You get to make your own schedule and hours. You decide how many days, how many hours you want to work, and that can vary week to week. You get to create your own work schedule and you can work wherever and whenever you want. This means you can structure work around your family life and not the other way around. You can just work when your kids are napping or while they’re in school.

[00:03:43] Melyssa: Being a VA can also allow you to avoid the burnout that sometimes comes with working long hours at a corporate job. You don’t have to worry about commuting the office politics or the pressure of working long hours.

[00:03:54] Melyssa: Reason number four, you don’t have to be tied to an office like ever. You can take your laptop [00:04:00] with you and work wherever you want. This means you can prioritize your family time and be more available when they need you. Traditional corporate jobs often require you to be physically present during specific hours, which really makes it difficult to take care of the kiddos.

[00:04:15] Melyssa: Granted in our post COVID world, some jobs have become remote, but they likely have a structure and a set amount of time that you’re supposed to be at your home office. With an online business, you have the flexibility to adjust your work schedule, to fit around your family needs at the drop of a hat.

[00:04:30] Melyssa: You can take breaks during the day to pick up your kidlets from school, attend their sports and other activities. And even just spend some extra snuggle time on the couch.

[00:04:39] Melyssa: Having your own VA business means that you’re more physically present with your family while you work.

[00:04:43] Melyssa: You can eat breakfast with your kids. Take a break to play with them and be there to help with homework after school, even though it’s not my favorite to help my kids with homework. This level of flexibility though, has been a game changer for my family.

[00:04:56] Melyssa: The fifth reason is simply that your VA business will allow you to [00:05:00] be more present with your family. And really what’s more important than that, especially while your kids are young.

[00:05:05] Melyssa: Owning an online business has so many advantages and I’ve only covered just a few here, being your own boss, having the flexibility work from anywhere, having the freedom to make your own schedule. Those are just a few of the benefits. I hope this really lights a fire under you to at least consider the possibility of starting and growing your own VA business.

[00:05:24] Melyssa: I have a free, Quick Start Guide to Build Your VA Business available on my website at I’ll put that link in the show notes. I also offer a VA Velocity Intensive, where we hop on a zoom call for 45 minutes and brainstorm ideas for what kind of VA business you can build. That link’s also down in the show notes.

[00:05:43] Melyssa: Both of those resources are just great for if you are wanting to explore this more and you just want to learn more about what the possibility is, what kind of VA that you can become.

[00:05:54] Melyssa: I want to know which one of these reasons would be your number one reason for starting your VA business. [00:06:00] Send me a DM on Instagram. I’m at melyssamunday or at Mamas Making More. I want to cheer you on and support you. I would also super appreciate it if you would take a screenshot of this episode, share it on your Instagram stories and tag me so we can spread the word to other moms that they can also have the ultimate flexibility by starting their own VA business.

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